Electronics, the engine of artificial intelligence

Electronics, the engine of artificial intelligence

It makes it possible to solve complex problems in many fields such as medicine, finance or logistics.

Artificial intelligence is experiencing rapid growth with the arrival of high-performance dedicated components for rapid data processing. There cannot be artificial intelligence without these high-performance electronic components capable of processing digital information at incredibly high speed and with great precision and storing and transmitting it at very high speed.
It is also necessary to underline the contribution of electronics in data capture thanks to the development of ever more efficient sensors.

The first applications known to the general public are deployed in the Cloud.

However, embedded AI, or edge computing, which consists of integrating AI directly in the application or device, rather than deploying it on the cloud, is very promising. Here are some benefits of embedded AI, which already exists in multiple applications:

  • Faster response time: with on-board AI, data is processed locally, reducing latency and enabling faster response . This is particularly important for real-time applications such as voice recognition, facial recognition, video surveillance, etc.
  • Privacy and data security: With embedded AI, data is not transmitted to the cloud, reducing the risk of data breaches. confidentiality and data security. This is particularly important for applications that process sensitive data such as health data, financial data, etc.
  • Reduced bandwidth and power consumption: with embedded AI, data is not transmitted to the cloud, which reduces the amount of data that must be transferred over the network. This can reduce bandwidth costs and improve network performance.
  • Offline Operation: With on-board AI, apps can work even when there is no internet connection. This is particularly important for applications such as self-driving cars, drones, IoT sensors, etc.