D.E. SECNUM: Train tomorrow’s cybersecurity specialists today!
Formation SECNUM UMontpelllier 2024

D.E. SECNUM: Train tomorrow’s cybersecurity specialists today!

To meet the needs for cybersecurity skills, the engineering school Polytech Montpellier is renewing, for the 4th consecutive year, the SECNUM training dedicated to security digitalization of on-board electronic systems, from September 2024.

Objective: Train cybersecurity specialists

This training, at bac+6 level which is carried out in company/school alternation, is certified at the end of course by a establishment diploma (D.E.).

On the program are numerous presentations from academic and industrial experts

  • Fundamentals of cryptology
  • Securing systems and embedded applications, networks, protocols
  • Legal and regulatory aspects

New for 2024: The DE evolves from the start of the 2024 school year with the creation of 2 courses, to respond to the specificities of the fields of health and industry:

  • Digital Health journey
  • Digital Industry course

This course takes place over one year, as part of continuing education.


Companies wishing to increase their skills in the field of digital security can:

  • recruit a holder of a BAC+5, under a professionalization contract,
  • allow their employees to follow this training.

All you need to know about training

SECNUM dedicated to the digital security of embedded electronic systems

The recruitment of the next candidates will take place from March to June. Eligible candidates will then look for a company to carry out their professionalization contract.

Do not hesitate to express your interest in the training in order to receive the best CVs more interesting.

You can also send your rotation subjects.

For more information

Pascal Benoit
Training manager
📧: polytech-secnum@umontpellier.fr