STMicroelectronics – Launch of “ST for Startups”

STMicroelectronics – Launch of “ST for Startups”

On September 12, STMicroelectronics France launched the “ST for Startups – Sustainability Challenge France”, a call for projects addressed to innovative companies (startups, SMEs, VSEs) which will reward 3 or 4 winners at the end of the year!

Centered around the theme of “the challenges of tomorrow’s world” and in particular on innovation in the service of sustainable development, startups can submit their project until October 29.

The pre-selection phase will then begin during which a jury of experts and managers will pre-select 10 candidates who will then have a month of discussions with ST to best prepare the “pitch” that they will produce in mid-December during a event.

The jury chaired by Frédérique Le Grevès, and composed of representatives from ST and partners, will then evaluate the 10 selected projects, and will designate among them 3 winners who will benefit from a year of personalized support.

This launch continues a tradition of collaboration with startups that we have had for several years now since we have already supported more than 40 startups in France!

If you want to know more, visit the page dedicated to the challenge and don’t Don’t hesitate to motivate startups that you think are interesting to participate!

More information about STMicroelectronics here.