
Electronics Industry News

Without drowning yourself in an avalanche of information, immerse yourself in electronics news and the highlights that are shaping our sector.

From technological advances to geopolitical developments, from the energy transition to social and societal transitions, we fuel this quest for information to better understand the world around us.

Members' news

UNE - Pole SCS - Note N°10 – Focus Microélectronique - OBSERVATOIRE DU NUMÉRIQUE EN RÉGION SUD

Don’t miss note No. 10 from the SCS Pole, an in-depth analysis of recent developments in the microelectronics sector in the South Region!

Une - Rencontre ACSIEL KEA 11042024

A look back at the friendly meeting between #ACSIEL and KEA in Paris. Fruitful discussions on a common vision of the challenges of innovation in the electronics industry. Closer ties and future collaborations in sight.

Retour sur la journée technologique Accelonix 15022024

Discover the highlights of the Accelonix Technology Day on cabling for batteries and other applications.

SilMach announces the availability of “TheTimeChanger”, its silicon-core watch, the biggest watchmaking revolution since 1936

Network newsletter

Visuel Newsletter TEAM2

Consult the latest TEAM2 newsletter and stay connected to news from the cluster dedicated to the circular economy!

NewsLetter CRESITT

Consult the latest CRESITT newsletter and stay connected to the latest research and technological activities around communicating objects, their security and their energy autonomy

Visuel Newsletter S2E2

The April 2024 newsletter S2E2! “Innovation” news from the S2E2 Cluster, discover the current calls for projects

Visuel Newsletter WE Network

Access the We Network April 2024 Newsletter so you don’t miss any news from the community of industry and innovation enthusiasts. Stay informed!

General news

Formation SECNUM UMontpelllier 2024

Support the D.E. SECNUM of Polytech Montpellier and train cybersecurity experts. Let’s meet the skills needs of tomorrow.

Une - CP IFTEC PPierre-Jean Albrieux IPC

Pierre-Jean ALBRIEUX receives the Raymond E. PRITCHARD distinction and enters the IPC Hall of Fame

Recensement Khonexio labo école electronique

Promoting electronics training in France: Discover the results of the exhaustive census of higher education offers and laboratories available in the territory.

Etudes des salaires de l'Electronique 2023 @KHONEXIO

Learn about electronics and embedded salaries in France in 2023 with Khonexio’s in-depth study


Leti Innovation Days 2024: Exclusive offer #ACSIEL ADHERENT Take advantage of the exclusive #ACSIEL ADHERENT offer, with a 30% discount on the 3-day pass for LID#2024. Read our latest newsflash to find out more: {{ vc_btn: title=Flash+info&shape=round&color=danger&size=xl&align=center&i_icon_fontawesome=fas+fa-arrow-right&css=&hover_text_effect=hover-text-switch-up&add_icon=true& }}

CSF meeting on April 23: SNESE and SPDEI present sector challenges. News added to #ACSIEL to detail the state and outlook for the sector.

Salon ELECTRONICA 2024 There's still a few weeks to go before you can take advantage of these great "turnkey" packages, offered in partnership with Business France. Read our latest flash info to find out more: {{ vc_btn: title=News+flash&shape=round&color=danger&size=xl&align=center&i_icon_fontawesome=fas+fa-arrow-right&css=&hover_text_effect=hover-text-switch-up&add_icon=true& }}